Tuesday 23 February 2010

Glossary of terms we used to make our revision video

Synergy is the combination of two or more actions to create something. So we used synergy in all our products by combining two or more programmes from the Apple Mac (e.g Final cut and Garage band) to create the videos we were making.

Being Mobile. On the move.
Blogs gave us the mobility to access our research and planning, anywhere and anytime. We could also add to our blogs, anywhere and anytime, outside of college.

Convergence of media occurs when multiple products come together to form one product with the advantages of all of them.
So using Final cut and Garage band come together to form one video using the advantages of both pieces of software. We are currently living in a age of technoligical convergence where products are no longer made using one application to make a product. Instead many applications are used together to make a product. For example, the internet.

The extent to which something is interactive; to which a computer program and human being may have a dialogue.
Having Blogs have meant that we have been able to express and share our ideas. They have also been open to receive feedback which has meant that we could then improve upon our products.

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